Monday, February 18, 2008

Luckily Kenny spotted a porta potty
but the man on the left spoke & held out a delivery/packing slip motioning a direction to Kenny on the job site. He can't get away from work even while on vacation in Germany!! In Germany no one but tourists wear white tennis shoes!

Bad Wimpfen, Germany. Pronounc-ed 'Bod" Wimpfen.

Castle on the Rhine River, Germany
Trailing flowers.
Bad Wimpfen, Germany.

Bad Whimpfen, Germany.
LDS Temple in Bad Homburg, Germany where Elder Busche served as temple president for 3 years.

Formal setting as usual for our fine dining experience on the chartered cruise boat. Gourmet food every night followed by cheese tasting without the wine (of course) and dessert.
Organ street grinder. A very charming site. It was so delightful to see this happy street organ grinder, as it brought back memories of school days when we read of the monkey organ street grinder in our reading books. I had never seen one in person.
Lena, Sister and Elder Busche, emeritus LDS General Authority, and Kenny. Sister and Elder Busche were our host and hostess for our Deseret Book Rhine River Cruise. We were so delighted to associate with them. Their homeland is Germany; although, they now live in Bountiful, Utah.

We were visitng a hillside castle and looking down from a garrison at the river and surrounding town below. (I cannot recall the location and failed to keep a journal...I have regreted this and commit to do so in the future!) I do know it was on a Sunday afternoon and may be able to look back at our itinerary.

I thought I would share some of our pictures of the Rhine River and surrounding country side of Germany from last fall (Sept 2007). I had camera trouble so lost many pictures. We thoroughly enjoyed our week long visit to Germany, the land of both of our ancestors. It would be fun to return and do further family history research.

Time Traveling - What's next?

I am new to the blog experience and time traveling; although, time certainly has a way of getting away from me; especially when it comes to the internet. There is so much to explore; it has opened the whole world to us time travelers. I can find and post pictures of my grand children and a second later bring up pictures and/or history of my ancestors going back to Father Adam and Mother Eve. Is that not cool or what? Time traveling? It sure is... I believe it is the begining of a whole new world of books, records, and sources that will bring our ancestors and forbearers to life. How exciting is that?